Edwin M. Stanton, CAPT, USCG (Ret) | Environmental & Regulatory Compliance
Captain Edwin Stanton is a Maritime & Environmental subject matter expert within the Strategic Consulting Department of Abadie-Williams. Mr. Stanton is a retired Coast Guard Captain who served 36 years of active duty in the Coast Guard. He has served as Executive Officer of the Coast Guard Atlantic Area Strike Team and Commanding Officer of the Coast Guard Gulf Strike Team, a specialized oil and hazmat team; Chief of Port Operations and Executive Officer of Marine Safety Office, San Juan, Puerto Rico; Chief of the Response Division of Eighth Coast Guard District in New Orleans; Chief of the Office of Response at Coast Guard HQ; Vice-Chair of the National Response Team; Co-Chair of Regional Response Teams in Federal Regions IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII; Deputy Commander and Commander, Sector Mobile, Alabama; Commander, Sector New Orleans. He was Incident Commander for the Macondo well blowout in Houma, LA.
Mr. Stanton has responded to the major oil discharge from the Tank Barge MORRIS J BERMANN, in Puerto Rico; the Tanker JESSICA oil discharge in the Galapagos Islands; the crash of the Shuttle COLUMBIA; anthrax contamination of post offices and the AMI building in Boca Raton, Florida; Hurricanes HUGO, KATRINA, GUSTAV; the discharge of oil from the Motor Vessel WESTCHESTER in the Mississippi River; the discharge of oil into the Gulf of Mexico from the T/V MEGA BORG; the discharge of oil into Galveston Bay from the Tank Barge APEX; and many others. He was the Coast Guard subject matter expert in environmental response for the North Atlantic Coast Guard Forum for three years and has lectured on emergency response and oil spill response in many forums, domestic and international.
Mr. Stanton has authored regulations and policy for the Coast Guard; performed duties as a Marine Casualty Investigator; Marine Inspector; Pollution Investigator; Port Operations and Waterways Management specialist; and Hazardous Cargo specialist. As a Sector Commander, he exercised the duties of Federal On-Scene Coordinator; Federal Maritime Security Coordinator; Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator; Officer-in-Charge, Marine Inspection; and Captain of the Port. His duties included the oversight of many operations in the Gulf of Mexico, including the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port.
Following the Coast Guard, Mr. Stanton worked as Vice President, Emergency Management for Witt-O’Brien’s until 2016, where he directed incident operations for owners and operators of vessels, oil exploration and production facilities, pipeline companies, and oil storage facilities. His educational experience includes:
USCG Recruit Training, Cape May, NJ
USCG Officer Candidate School, Yorktown, VA
Port Safety Industry Training, Port of New Orleans, LA
Associates Degree, University of Phoenix
Marine Safety Basic Indoctrination Course
Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Inspection Course
USCG On-Scene Coordinator Crisis Management Course
Various Incident Management, Planning, Inspection, Port Ops, Hazmat Courses
EPA Environmental Response Courses